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Stop Borrowing Money You Can't Afford to Pay Back!

"If you want ya LITTLE money come get it" Why do some people get so offended when you become concerned with the whereabouts of money you have loaned to them? Don't worry I'll wait here for an answer that makes sense. Do people not know the difference between "borrowed" money and "gifted" money? If you don't want to pay it back or plan to pay it back... Don't borrow it in the first place. I wonder if psychologically it is easier to ask to borrow then to ask to have? giphy-11 I don't make it a practice to allow my friends to borrow money from me because I know that money is the root of all evil and it will and relationships quicker than Taylor Swift can. Currently the only people I can trust to borrow money from me and pay you back within reasonable time are my best friends and my immediate family, anybody else will get the side-eye add some shade thrown at them and much speculation before I even pulled out my wallet. I recently allowed a friend to borrow a fairly small amount of money from me but as soon as I even fixed my lips to ask for it back suddenly I was hit with a mountain of excuses and insults. I was always taught that excuses were tools of nothingness and  those who specialized in that seldom in success. There is nothing wrong with needing additional time to pay someone back money that was borrowed a simple communication of that usually suffice. But please refrain from becoming A ghost who suddenly can't respond to phone calls or text messages or from being all of us suddenly offended that someone dared to ask for the coins that they allowed you to borrow no matter how small the amount you still needed to borrow it at one time so have the courtesy to pay it back within a reasonable time or communicate a payment plan if needed.

As I was thinking about this topic it also made me think about just debt in general. We have become a society that thrives on borrowing money without the ability to actually paying it back. Does that mean that we are living outside about means or being irresponsible with our money? The average American household has about $6600 worth of credit card debt. After you add interest rates and the fact that most people just pay a little over their minimum payment each month it is easy to see why we stay in debt. I'm not going to factor in student loans in this conversation because that's a struggle that is all too real for me right now.

We all have a little bit of decency in us, some of us are like ogres and that decency may be hidden under many layers. Use common sense when borrowing, make plans to pay it back within a reasonable time. Don't be a "Classless wonder" or an "useless nonentity". Don't put your friends or family in an awkward position where they are reluctant to help you in your time of need because they know that you don't apply basic decency when you borrow. I know I'm not the only who has been in this position, share your experiences below!